Nutritionist-based treatments in salt lake city

Nutrition Program

Get Healthy From the Inside Out

A healthy diet plan to cleanse and balance your body’s system is how you want to start your weight loss journey. Let our team set out a proper plan beginning with real food and realistic goals to ease you into your new lifestyle.

Look and feel better as you work toward your milestones of gaining better health. We stay with you every step of the way to support your efforts.

look better and feel better

With Our Nutritionist-Based Plan in Salt Lake City

Eat real Food!

Don’t starve trying to lose weight with shakes and pills. We show you how to use real, everyday healthy choices to stay full and see results. Eat until satisfied.

Scales only tell a part of the story

At our office, we measure progress with real body analysis rather than relying on the numbers shown on the scale. Don’t get discouraged with inconsistent numbers.

Improve your quality of life

To make the weight loss permanent, you must make lifestyle changes to keep it off. These changes don’t have to be painful. We will show you how to do it.

A Healthy Diet Feels Great

Avoiding processed foods and choosing real food greatly affect how you feel. Healthy doesn’t have to mean tasteless. Our Doctor shows you the right way to choose the foods that leave you feeling full and satisfied while losing excess weight. 

Simple changes in your diet can give you the energy you need to enjoy an active lifestyle. Don’t wait any longer. Let us help you reach these goals in a healthier way.


Will I feel deprived?

None of our diets require you to starve. Our goal is to set realistic goals based on lifestyle changes. You will eat real food during the entire program.

What do you eat on this program?

You will eat real food that’s vitamin-rich and healthy. Our meal program is based on a balanced diet, helping you look and feel your best.

Is this diet sustainable?

Our goal is to set sustainable goals for you. You can still eat the foods you enjoy as “sometimes” foods, but we want to fill your daily options with healthy options that you will enjoy.

don't miss this offer

Pay Only $79 For Your First Contour Light® Session

Your first session consists of consult, measurements, and treatment with add-ons, including the face mask and vibration plate.*

*First-time customers only.