Absolutely Beautiful provides

A Customized Weight Loss Approach in Salt Lake City, Utah

Doctor supervised weight loss

Everyone wants to lose weight, which is why we assist you in putting a weight loss strategy in place: one that does not only help you lose weight but also improves your life.

Working with our doctor allows you to set realistic goals and reach them one step at a time. Our coaches provide the motivation and encouragement when you need it.

Lose Weight And Keep It Off

making a plan

The best way to achieve your weight loss goal is to start with a realistic plan. Our experts help you to do this after sitting down and listening to you.

Making changes

Weight loss is a result of healthy eating and staying active. It should not be a quick fix but rather a lifestyle change. Be willing to look into the future and carry your goals with you.

Staying active

You don’t need hours of aerobic exercise every day, but staying active is a key to losing and 

keeping the weight off.  Go the long way, take the stairs or other little changes. It all helps.

We’re Here to Support You

Our team goes beyond watching the scale numbers go down. In fact, using a scale to measure progress is discouraging and often inaccurate. We’ll show you how to measure real results using your body composition and by analyzing your muscle mass and body fat. 

By getting an explanation as you progress, your motivation stays intact as you see the real results. We are here to keep you going, with our coaches always cheering you on.

Improve Your Results With Body Sculpting

Red Light body sculpting

Our red light therapy machines are your solution if you need help obtaining long-term and long-lasting weight loss results.

At Absolutely Beautiful, we offer two different body sculpting treatments for our patients in Salt Lake City, so they can boost their results and obtain the lifestyle they’re craving.

Doctor-Supervised Nutrition Program

A nutrition program tailored for you

At Absolutely Beautiful, we don’t want you just to lose weight; we want you to improve your lifestyle. Our nutrition programs are tailored to your needs so you can look, feel, and perform better.

Weight Loss


How fast will I lose weight on your program?

Over a six-week period, our average patient lost between 15 and 25 pounds. After 12 weeks, the average weight loss was 30 to 50 pounds. We encourage a safe, gradual weight loss process.

Is this a crash diet with pills and shakes I need to use?

This is not a quick-fix diet; it is a lifestyle change. Our plan uses real foods of lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables. By using real food, you get to maintain your weight permanently.

Does your weight loss plan depend only on a diet change?

We offer several services in addition to our nutritional diet plans. Our office has the additional options of Contour Light® Body Contouring and Lipo-Laser Treatments to allow quicker weight loss in those hard-to-lose areas.

don't miss this offer

Pay Only $79 For Your First Contour Light® Session

Your first session consists of consult, measurements, and treatment with add-ons, including the face mask and vibration plate.*

*First-time customers only.